Vacant job offers in jaekaubandus-muu. You pick the time.

If you are looking job opportunities in jaekaubandus-muu, here are your active options. In case none of those are in your best interest, you are welcome to make a free account, log in and filter out the best work bites for applying.

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Current job offers in jaekaubandus-muu

Short workbit
Description Kaubakastide vedamine roklaga estakaadilt kauplusesse.

Pick a day or days that suit you and apply!
  • Th, 15 August 7:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Ahtri 9, Kesklinn, Kesklinna, 10151 Harju maakond, Estonia

Description Otsime ägedaid aktiivseid inimesi, kes oleksid valmis käima abis Sportlandi Kurna pargi kaupluses. Sinu ülesandeks on sõltuvalt päevast ja vahetusest klientide abistamine, e-poe tellimuste komplektee...

Apply to multibit team!

Kangrumetsa tee 3, Kurna, 75307 Harju maakond