Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Pelgu Pagari toodete müük suusatamise kahevõistluse MK-etapi ajal Tehvandi Spordikeskuse kohvikus ja toiduhaagises.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Sushi koka ülesandeks on tooraine ettevalmistamine ja suhi valmistamine vastavalt menüüle ja tellimustele.
Tööks sobib inimene, kellel on oskused ja kogemused sushi valmistamisel.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Ülesanne on jagada meediaväljaandeid kahel päeval, 3 tundi päevas.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Ootame appi vahvaid nõudepesijaid! Nõudepesija töö hõlmab endas peamiselt klaaside ja taldrikute pesemist masinatega. Erioskusi pole vaja - põhiline, et oled kiire, töökas, puhas, korrektne ja täpne o...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Meie kollektiiviga on oodatud liituma tragi kokk! Asukohaks on mõnus Mantelahi kohvik Võru kesklinnas. Sinu oskusest valmistada toorainest maitsvat toitu saavad rõõmu tunda nii kohalikud kui külalised...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Hei usin ampsaja! Ootame meie Tallinki hotellide meeskonda abilisi hotellitube koristama, oodatud on nii kogemustega toateenijad kui ka algajad, muretseda pole vaja, vajaliku juhendamise teeme kohapea...
Big workbits are bigger bits of work that last a few days to a year. These workbits may be vacation replacements, seasonal jobs and other recurringproject-like tasks that require persistance from the worker
Big workbits are bigger bits of work that last a few days to a year. These workbits may be vacation replacements, seasonal jobs and other recurringproject-like tasks that require persistance from the worker
Long workbit
Tule veeda paar tegusat päeva! Päeva jooksul saab sinu ülesandeks mattide mahapanek, tilgutiotste paigaldamine, taimede laialipanek ja kiletunnelite laiali tõmbamine.
Tööaeg 6.00 – 14.30
Ootame kand...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime hooldustöö taustaga inimesi Piigaste Südamekodusse asendustöötajateks veebruarikuusse. Töö on paaris, teine töötaja on maja poolt lisaks.
Hooldaja tööülesanneteks on eakate hooldamine ja abist...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Töö sisuks on osalemine vahetusvaipade hooldusprotsessi erinevates etappides.
Enne pesemist vahetusvaibad sorteeritakse, seejärel laaditakse pesumasinasse. Peale pesemist vaibad kuivatatakse ning see...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Töö sisuks on seadmete remont objektil. Töö nõuab täpsust ja püsivust. Hindame töö kvaliteeti. Juhendamine koha peal.
Ootame, et sul oleks võimalus ise liikuda Tallinna piires. Vajalik oskus on MMA k...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Meie ettevõte otsib abikäsi pakkimistööle meie Tartu laos sel nädalal.
Tööga alustame kell 08:30 ja lõpetame kell 17:00, aga oleme kellaaegade osas paindlikud.
Vajalik on elektrilise kahveltõstuki j...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Meie ettevõte otsib abikäsi pakkimistööle meie Tartu laos sel nädalal.
Tööga alustame kell 9.00 ja lõpetame kell 17, aga oleme kellaaegade osas paindlikud.
Come and help our warehouse team.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Töö sisuks on kaupade markeerimine, pakendamine ja kojuveoks ettevalmistamine.
Töö eeldab head füüsilist vormi ja parajalt jõudu! Kasuks tuleb varasem töökogemus laonduse või logistika valdkonnas. Ku...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Reply email correspondence in English language. Make and answer calls, receive clients, attend Zoom meeting, work with Microsoft Word and complete forms where applicable and perform general office tas...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
GWB employees will be involved in electronics cleaning tasks (mainly phones) in addition to other organisational tasks. Wipes, brushes and cleaning sprays will be used during the cleaning process.
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Jysk'i Järve kauplus vajab särasilmset klienditeenindajat kassasse! Kui oled töökas ja kohusetundlik, siis tule meile appi!
Töö sisuks on klientide teenindamine kassas, kassa ümbruse korrashoidmine n...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime abiks asjatundlikku ABITÖÖLINE-NÕUDEPESIJAT. Ära muretse Sa ei pea olema üksi ja enne tööle asumist juhendatakse Sind ning näidatakse ette täpsed töövõtted. Põhilised ülesanded on nõude pesemin...
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Here you'll find workbits where companies need assistance for shorter tasks. Maybe they have a special event coming up, someone got ill or something that's not part of their own employees' daily tasks needs to be done. These workbits last for a day or two and are at most a week long
Short workbit
Otsime oma toredasse kollektiivi appi abikokka! Sobid meile, kui oled rõõmsameelne, koostööaldis ja suudad iseseisvalt töötada. Põhilised ülesanded on toorainete ettevalmistamine, salatide ja magustoi...