Vacant job offers in business-services-administrative-support. You pick the time.

If you are looking job opportunities in business-services-administrative-support, here are your active options. In case none of those are in your best interest, you are welcome to make a free account, log in and filter out the best work bites for applying.

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Current job offers in business-services-administrative-support

Long workbit

Administrative support Puhkuse asendaja kasutajatoe tiimi Tartus

10.00 EUR/h
Description Otsime põhitöötaja puhkuse asenduseks abilist oma kasutajatoe tiimi! Põhiülesanded on andmete liigutamine ühest failist teise, kergemate kliendipäringute vastamine, protsessi kirja panek ja kolleegid...

Apply for 7 days workbite
  • Fr, 10 May - Fr, 17 May

Killustiku Põik 1, Raadi, 60534 Tartu maakond