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GoWorkaBit helps you find short or long term flexible jobs. You can choose your workload, change professions, work in different companies at the same time - and what’s most important, work on your own terms. Turn your work life around and start working in a new way.
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Kiirete kätega ettekandja Amarillo restorani

About the employer

Ootame kiired teenindajat hotell Viru Amarillo restorani!

Restoran Amarillo ootab sind endale appi kelneriks/ettekandjaks. Sinu ülesanneteks on klientide personaalne teenindamine ehk klientide vastu võtmine, lauda juhatamine, tellimuste võtmine, tellimuste kassasse sisestamine ning tellitud toodete klientidele serveerimine.

Oluline, et sul oleks olemas tervisetõend ning oleksid täisealine

Ootame sind!